Dr. Verena Utikal
Behavioral Economics

In den Medien

Zeit Wissen, Februar 2022

Der Reiz einer dummen Idee

Deutschlandradio Kultur, 25.01.2020:

ADAC künftig neutral zum Tempolimit: Wie kommt es zum Ende von Gewissheiten?

Perspektiven, 11.12.2019:

Moralische Frauen und risikoaffine Männer

DaVinciForum, November 2019:

Denkfehler erkennen und verstehen

ntv, 21.09.2019:

Nachhaltig leben, aber ohne Moralkeule?

Deutschlandfunk Nova, 08.07.2019:

Wie wir uns am besten entschuldigen

ntv podcast "Wieder was gelernt", 18.02.2019:

So sagen Unternehmen am besten "Sorry"

Forschungsartikel in Fachzeitschriften

Alexander Brem and Verena Utikal (2019), How to manage creativity time? Results from a social psychological time model lab experiment on individual creative and routine performance, Creativity and Innovation Management.

Simeon Schudy and Verena Utikal (2018), Does imperfect data privacy stop people from collecting personal health data?, Games 9 (1).

Tim Friehe and Verena Utikal (2018), Intentions Undercover - Hiding Intentions is Considered Unfair, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (73), 11-21.

Veronika Grimm, Verena Utikal, and Lorenzo Valmasoni (2017), In-group favoritism and discrimination among multiple out-groups, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 143, 254-271.

Simeon Schudy and Verena Utikal (2017), 'You must not know about me' - On the willingness to share personal data, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 141, 1-13.

Gerald Eisenkopf, Ruslan Gurtoviy, and Verena Utikal (2017), Punishment Motives for Small and Big Lies, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 26(2), 484-498.

Anja Dieckmann, Veronika Grimm, Matthias Unfried, Verena Utikal, and Lorenzo Valmasoni (2016), On Trust in Honesty and Volunteering among Europeans: Cross-Country Evidence on Perceptions and Behavior, European Economic Review, 90, 225-253.

Sabrina Strang, Verena Utikal, Urs Fischbacher, Bernd Weber, and Armin Falk (2014), Neural correlates of receiving an apology and active forgiveness: An fMRI study, PLoS ONE 9(2).

Jonathan Schulz, Urs Fischbacher, Christian Thoeni and Verena Utikal (2014), Affect and Fairness: Dictator Games under Cognitive Load, Journal of Economic Psychology, 41, 77-87.

Verena Utikal and Urs Fischbacher (2014), On the attribution of externalities, Economics and Philosophy, 30, 215-240.

Urs Fischbacher and Verena Utikal (2013), On the Acceptance of Apologies , Games and Economic Behavior, 82, 592-608.

Verena Utikal and Urs Fischbacher (2013), Disadvantageous Lies in Individual Decisions, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,  85, 108–111.

Verena Utikal (2012), A fault confessed is half redressed – Confessions and Punishment, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 81 (1), 314-327.
